Victim? No thank you!

Life is a beach and then you fry …
Life always knows best, doesn’t it? How many times have you found yourself totally caught out when you thought you had it all planned and sorted out?
Or worked for years towards a goal that you thought it would make a huge change in your life just to find out years later that actually you didn’t want it any more or circumstances changed so much that it didn’t make any sense to pursue it any longer?

Time for wholeness

I have written more than once in the recent years about my life experiences that are changing me as a woman but recently, thanks to what is happening in my inner world, I have been feeling more stretched than ever.
I have been making notes of what I am going through to be able to sit down and eventually write about this with the purpose to record this first and foremost for myself, …

Are we ready for change?

Since I was a little girl I have always been proud to be a female and this feeling just increased as I grew older. I was born in the late 60’s so I have already witnessed several changes in society, even if they have been slower than I was thinking they would be. Since we entered the 21st century though it seems that something must have sped up the process a bit, especially in this last decade.